Before You Say Yes Think About This ------------------------------------------------ Internet dating has rapidly become one of the most popular ways for couples to meet. You simply upload a photo, type out a small bio, and poof. Like magic your photo is now available for the whole world to see. Naturally you pick the best photo you can find. Maybe it is 20 years old, but who cares. Your hair looked great that day. Maybe you lie a little about your age, or make yourself sound so much more interesting than you really are. Hey, you want the best guy out there to notice you right? Well guess what? The guy you are looking for, is probably doing exactly what you are. He probably dug into some of his old college photos, lied about his age, and more than likely made himself sound a whole lot more interesting than he is too. Ahh the joy of internet dating. The problem with internet dating is, you never know. You never know if the person who seems interested in you is who h...